What It Takes to Run a Successful Biohazard Remediation Business

It’s 24 hours, 7 day a week, 365 day a year job. You can never fully predict when someone is going to need you. Emergencies from murders, suicides, or blood spills/bodily fluids happen at all hours of the day, every day. People discover hidden situations within their home like mold or rodents at the least convenient time. Someone is finally mentally ready to take the next step in their personal health and work on the hoarding situation within their home. What does that look like as an owner of a company that assists with these kinds of issues?
Here is an honest layout of an actual day in our life.
We’ve found the best way to start our day is around 5:30p. That’s when we look at who we have on our calendar to assist with the following day. We get our teams laid out and confirm with each one that they are ready to work the following day and have all necessary supplies. Sometime that means we must go out to the trailers and re-inventory or move items around so that each job is fully equipped. The following day in our example, we had two teams of three set and ready to go – one for assistance on a hoarding project and one for a rodent issue.
Then there is the necessary time for our family where we typically cook together, eat a meal and relax. As part of our true-life example that we are outlining here, this would be on the first night of the NBA FINALS. We had worked all day – including our son who is on his summer break going into his senior year of high school, while co-enrolled in college and is a lead technician that works for us – and we decided that instead of cooking we would go out to a local establishment to watch the game and eat. It didn’t fair well for the team our son was rooting for, but we had a good time together. We then came home and did our own thing to ‘zone out’ – each of us either watched a movie or TikTok’s or crocheting. It’s an important part of our health to get adequate rest, so we try to go to bed at a reasonable hour. That ‘reasonable’ hour varies greatly though depending on what we must get done that night. Usually though we go to bed between 9:00p and 10:30p.
We have made the commitment to our community that when they have a moment of need, they will get us – David, Leanne or one of our teammates – directly on the phone, no third-party call service, no matter what time of day. The work phone is by our sides at all times. So, if a call comes in any time before our alarm of 6:00a goes off, we are right there to get it. Case in point on our example day: a call comes in at 5:45a of a distraught family member whose loved one had committed suicide the night before. We discussed with them our process and committed to having a full team ready to assist them at their residence by 7:00a – and we fulfilled that promise!
So, think of it being 7:00a. We have 3 teams now working on 3 different projects – a suicide, a hoarding situation and a rodent issue. All team members are so well trained that we were able to assist on each of these simultaneously. It should also be noted that these jobs were all over the state – from Prescott to Scottsdale to Ahwatukee!

Now, just because you are working a job (or three), doesn’t mean that we stop assisting others. The phone doesn’t stop. We took in several additional calls that day from new clients, set up free inspections’ appointments, and worked with insurance companies on new and existing claims to get resolution. In fact, one of the new calls we received was on a hoarding situation that they knew they needed to act on immediately or they would change their mind and keep to their bad habits. For that, we committed to going to see them that afternoon at 3:15p in Apache Junction. We met with the individual, inspected the home, wrote a 4-page proposal and provided that to them for review within 30 minutes of meeting with them.
By the time we have returned to our home, we are back to that 4 to 5 o’clock hour (the beginning of our day). We decided to get a meal out and during the meal we had to excuse ourselves from the restaurant to assist clients on the phone. Our appointment from 3:15p agreed to the contract, so when we got home, that meant doing additional paperwork and scheduling to make sure that was all set for the client.
No two days in life are ever the same but we this is a good glimpse into-the-life-of. We say it often, but we truly mean it – we want to be the solution for our community so that the last memory of a loved one isn’t cleaning up after them, we assist keep everyone healthy and help those in need start taking the productive steps to a better life.
If you don’t know who to call, then T.A.C.T. 48 or T.A.C.T. AZ is probably the right choice. Call us at (623) 462-1777, 480-740-6868, or 928-723-1332
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