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Top 5 potential dangers associated with dried blood

Top 5 potential dangers associated with dried blood

On a recent job that was outside and exposed to the general public, a curious citizen asked us why we were spending so much time cleaning up droplets of blood that had obviously dried in the Arizona sun.  When we answered, they were utterly shocked that there could be so many potential health issues if it is not handled properly and remediated appropriately. 


Here are the top 5 potential dangers associated with dried blood:

  1. Bloodborne Pathogens: Dried blood can contain bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and other infectious agents. These pathogens can remain viable in dried blood for extended periods, depending on the environmental conditions. If you come into contact with dried blood and have open wounds or mucous membranes exposed, you may be at risk of infection.
  2. Cross-Contamination: Dried blood can be a source of cross-contamination if it is not properly cleaned and disposed of. It can easily become aerosolized and spread through the air or be transferred to surfaces and objects, increasing the risk of infection for others.
  3. Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to components of dried blood, such as proteins or antigens. Exposure to dried blood can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
  4. Skin Irritation: Dried blood can cause skin irritation and contact dermatitis in some people, especially if they have sensitive skin. It may lead to redness, itching, and discomfort upon contact.
  5. Fungal and Bacterial Growth: Dried blood can provide a nutrient-rich environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi. If the blood is not properly cleaned and sanitized, it can lead to the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

To minimize these dangers, its important to have a well-educated professional who takes proper precautions with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), professional grade chemicals, and proper disposal of the contaminated materials that contain the pathogens.  If you encounter dried blood and are unsure about how to safely clean it up or dispose of it, please contact T.A.C.T. 48 so that we can assist you in remediating the area back to a safe environment.

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Top 5 potential dangers associated with dried blood