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The Chronicles of T.A.C.T. 48 - Sept

The Chronicles of T.A.C.T. 48 - Sept

What Happens After a Crime?


So many of us watch both fictional and real-life crime scene investigation shows.  They typically set up the plot of the crime itself, authorities are contacted, and the body removed.  Then the show shows how the police investigate what happened to cause the crime, looking at it forensically and putting together a case as to who is ultimately the responsible party to bring them to justice.  Yet what is depicted on television often passes over what happens at the physical scene – it just brings you back to the scene later where it is all back to “normal”. In some of our conversations with actual detectives, they don’t even know what goes on after they leave the scene. 


As past Chronicles have discussed, there are many potential health issues in doing a clean-up of any blood or bodily fluids when you are not trained or do not have the proper Personal Protective Equipment.  The best thing to do is contact a professional, like T.A.C.T. 48, who has the training, technology, and equipment. 


When we enter the scene, we do an assessment based on O.S.H.A. regulations on how to remediate the area wherein the technicians are kept safe and we can get the location back to a safe environment.  This may require containment areas to be set up to ensure no cross-contamination within the area.  We treat any biohazard with proprietary chemicals, remove and transport them from the premises, and properly dispose of them as per ADEQ requirements.  There are many factors that can change the scope of work needing to be done.  If T.A.C.T. 48 were to be contacted within hours of the incident of the crime, the remediation may just be at a surface level.  If unfortunately, the incident happened days or even weeks ago, the biohazardous situation often increases dramatically – going below flooring whether it be carpet, tile, wood, or linoleum and even into walls.  Each of these areas must be removed and remediated.  Additionally, an odor can be lingering as microbes have now become airborne, as such air scrubbers and ozone machines need to be brought in to clean the air. 



As you can see, there is more than just a maid-like cleaning service necessary in these situations and when it is a personal loved one, beyond the physical dangers, it can also create a mental health issue in the future doing it yourself.  We never want this to be anyone’s last memory, so please contact us if you are ever in need.

Where was T.A.C.T. 48?


There are so many great organizations throughout the state of Arizona looking to educate themselves to better our community.  T.A.C.T. 48 was honored to get to attend two events this month to introduce ourselves and show how we can cooperatively work together. We had the opportunity to attend both the Arizona Homicide Investigators Association (AHIA) at the Gila River Resort and the Arizona Association of Chief of Police (AACOP) conference in Laughlin, NV.  Thank you to everyone who organized and presented at these great events!

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The Chronicles of T.A.C.T. 48 - Sept