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BBB accredited business

BBB accredited business

Did you know that a BBB Accreditation is earned not given?  That means those companies with the seal believe in creating and maintaining trust in business. Reputations are built on standards like: Build Trust, Advertise Honestly, Tell the Truth, Be Transparent, Honor Promises, Be Responsive, Safeguard Privacy, and Embody Integrity. These standards are highly valued at T.A.C.T. 48 and we are excited that the BBB sees that in as us as well. 


See the official announcement with the BBB at:


Latest news

The Chronicles of T.A.C.T. 48 January
The Chronicles of T.A.C.T. 48 January

All, Biohazard, Emergency, Newsletter, Scottsdale, TACT48

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The Chronicles of T.A.C.T 48 - February
The Chronicles of T.A.C.T 48 - February

All, Biohazard, blog, Newsletter, Scottsdale, suicide cleanup, TheLastResponders

Some highlights of this The Chronicles of T.A.C.T. 48 - February edition: - T.A.C.T. 48 has become a recognized vendor for the City of Scottsdale - T.A.C.T. stands for Trauma And Casualty Team but we our determined to provide Thoughtful and Compassionate Treatment - What is an Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) test

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BBB accredited business